"The Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Considered as a Downhill Motor Race" (1966)
-to Jarry, Alfred (1873-1907):
La Passion considérée comme course de côte (1903) (ind. ref)
-from Shea, Robert (1968-1994) and Wilson, Robert Anton (1932-2007):
The Illuminatus! Trilogy (1975) (ind. ref)
Millenium People (2003)
-to Anonymous:
"The Tale of Aladdin" (uncertain date) (d. ref)
"Snow White" (uncertain date) (d. ref)
-to Antonioni, Michelangelo (1912-2007):
Passenger (1975) (d. ref)
-to Asquith, Anthony (1902-1968):
The Winslow Boy (1948) (d. ref)
-to Barrie, J. M. (1860-1937):
"Peter Pan" (1904) (d. ref)
-to Bartók, Béla (1881-1945) (d. ref)
-to Bay, Michael (1965- ):
Armageddon (1998) (d. ref)
-to Beineix, Jean-Jacques (1946- ):
Diva (1981)
-to Bresson, Robert (1901-1999) (d. ref)
-to Carroll, Lewis (1832-1898) (d. ref)
-to Conrad, Joseph (1857-1924):
Heart of Darkness (1899) (d. ref)
-to Eisenstein, Sergei (1898-1948):
The Battleship Potemkin (1925) (d. ref)
-to Emmerich, Roland (1955- ):
Independence Day (1996) (d. ref)
-to Fellini, Federico (1920-1993) (d. ref)
-to Godard, Jean-Luc (1930- ) (d. ref)
-to Herzog, Werner (1942-present) (d. ref)
-to Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784) (d. ref)
-to Klimov, Elem (1933-2003) (d. ref)
-to Kurosawa, Akira (1910-1998) (d. ref)
-to Lean, David (1908-1991):
The Sound Barrier (1952) (d. ref)
-to Marinetti, Fillipo (1876-1944) (d. ref)
-to Milne, A. A. (1882-1956) (d. ref)
-to Pinter, Harold (1930-2008) (d. ref)
-to Reed, Carol (1906-1976):
Odd Man Out (1947) (ind. ref)
The Third Man (1949) (d. ref)
-to Russell, Bertrand (1872-1970) (d. ref)
-to Shakespeare, William (1564-1616):
Macbeth (1611) (ind. ref)
-to Truffaut, François (1932-1984) (d. ref)
-to Various Writers:
The Daily Mail (1896-) (d. ref)
The Daily Telegraph (1855-) (d. ref)
The Economist (1843-) (d. ref)
The Guardian (1821-) (d. ref)
The Times (1788-) (d. ref)
-to Wells, H. G. (1866-1946):
The Island of Dr. Moreau (1896) (ind. ref)
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