The Savage Detectives (1998):
-to Acuña, Manuel (1849-1873) (d. ref)
-to Adán, Martín (1908-1985) (d. ref)
-to Aeschylus (525-456 BC) (d. ref)
-to Aesop
Aesop's Fables (6th c. BC) (d. ref)
-to Agustín, José (1944- ) (d. ref)
-to Akhmatova, Anna (1889-1966) (d. ref)
-to Alberti, Rafael (1902-1999) (d. ref)
-to Alcaeus (7th c. BC) (d. ref)
-to Aleixandre, Vicente (1898-1984) (d. ref)
-to Alfani, Gianni (?) (d. ref)
-to al-Farid, Omar Ibn (1181-1235) (d. ref)
-to Alighieri, Dante:
The Divine Comedy (1320) (ind. ref)
-to Andronicus, Livius (284-204 BC) (d. ref)
-to Angiolieri, Cecco (1260-1312) (d. ref)
-to Apuleius, Lucius (124-170) (d. ref)
-to Archilochus (68-645 BC) (d. ref)
-to Aridjis, Homero (1940- ) (d. ref)
-to Asclepiades of Samos (320- ? BC) (d. ref)
-to Aub, Max (1903-1972) (d. ref)
-to Azúa, Félix de (1944- ) (d. ref)
-to Azuela, Mariano:
The Underdogs (1915) (d. ref)
-to Banville, John (1945- ) (d. ref)
-to Baroja, Pío:
La Sima (uncertain) (d. ref)
-to Baudelaire, Charles (1821-1867) (d. ref)
-to Benedetti, Mario (1920-2009) (d. ref)
-to Bergson, Henri (1859-1941) (d. ref)
-to Berguedà, Guillem de (1138-1196) (d. ref)
-to Bierce, Ambrose (1842-1914) (d. ref)
-to Blake, William (1757-1827) (d. ref)
-to Blok, Alexander (1880-1921) (d. ref)
-to Borges, Jorge Luis:
Dr. Brodie's Report (1970) (d. ref)
-to Born, Bertrán de (1140-1215) (d. ref)
-to Bornelh, Guiraut de (1138-1215) (d. ref)
-to Brautigan, Richard (1935-1984) (d. ref)
-to Breton, Andre:
The White Night (?) (d. ref)
-to Bulteau, Michel:
Manifeste électrique aux paupieres de jupes (1971) (d. ref)
Sang de satin (1972) (d. ref)
-to Burroughs, William (1914-1997) (d. ref)
-to Byron, Lord (1788-1824) (d. ref)
-to Cabada, Juan de la:
Incidentes melódicos del mundo irracional (1940) (d. ref)
-to Campana, Dino (1885-1932) (d. ref)
-to Cardenal, Ernesto (1925- ) (d. ref)
-to Carrington, Leonora (1917-2011) (d. ref)
-to Carroll, Lewis (1832-1898) (d. ref)
-to Castellan of Coucy (12th c. AD) (d. ref)
-to Castellanos, Rosario (1925-1974) (d. ref)
-to Catullus ( ? - 54 BC) (d. ref)
-to Cavalcanti, Guido (1255-1300) (d. ref)
-to Cernuda, Luis:
Ocnos (1942) (d. ref)
-to Cervantes, Miguel de:
Don Quixote (1605) (d. ref)
-to Chien, Tao (365-427) (d. ref)
-to Christie, Agatha (1890-1976) (d. ref)
-to Chu-I, Po (772-846) (d. ref)
-to Chumacero, Alí (1918-2010) (d. ref)
-to Chung-shu, Tung (179-104 BC) (d. ref)
-to Claudel, Paul (1868-1955) (d. ref)
-to Colín, Eduardo:
Mujeres (1934) (d. ref)
-to Corbière, Tristan (1845-1875) (d. ref)
-to Corman, Roger:
Wild Angels (1966) (ind. ref)
-to Cortázar, Julio:
Hopscotch (1963) (d. ref)
-to Cortés, Alfonso (1893-1969) (d. ref)
-to Cruz, Sor Juana Inés de la (1651-1695) (d. ref)
-to Dalton, Roque (1935-1975) (d. ref)
-to Daniel, Arnaut (1150-1210) (d. ref)
-to Darío, Rubén (1867-1916) (d. ref)
-to Defoe, Daniel:
Robinson Crusoe (1719) (d. ref)
-to del Paso, Fernando:
José Trigo (1966) (d. ref)
-to DeLillo, Don (1936- ) (d. ref)
-to Desnos, Robert:
Corps et biens (1930) (d. ref)
-to Diego, Eliseo (1920-1994) (d. ref)
-to dos Passos, John (1896-1970) (d. ref)
-to Ekelöf, Gunnar (1907-1968) (d. ref)
-to Eliot, T. S.:
The Waste Land (1922) (ind. ref)
-to Empedocles (490-430 BC) (d. ref)
-to Esenin, Sergei (1895-1925) (d. ref)
-to Fearing, Kenneth (1902-1961) (d. ref)
-to Felipe, León (1884-1968) (d. ref)
-to Fernández, Macedonio (1874-1952) (d. ref)
-to Frescobaldi, Dino (1271-1316) (d. ref)
-to Fu, Tu (712-770) (d. ref)
-to Fuentes, Carlos (1928-2012) (d. ref)
-to Gadda, Carlo Emilio (1893-1973) (d. ref)
-to Gamboa, Frederico:
Santa (1903) (d. ref)
-to García Márquez, Gabriel (1927-2014) (d. ref)
-to García, Fina (1923- ) (d. ref)
-to Garfias, Pedro (1901-1967) (d. ref)
-to Gelman, Juan (1930-2014) (d. ref)
-to Gimferrer, Pere (1945- ) (d. ref)
-to Ginsberg, Allen (1926-1997) (d. ref)
-to Girondo, Oliverio (1901-1967) (d. ref)
-to Girri, Alberto (1919-1991) (d. ref)
-to Goethe, Johannes:
The Sorrows of Young Werther (1774) (d. ref)
-to Góngora, Luis de (1561-1627) (d. ref)
-to Gorostiza, Jose:
Death Without End (1939) (d. ref)
-to Greene, Grahame (1904-1991) (d. ref)
-to Greiff, León de (1895-1976) (d. ref)
-to Guillén, Nicolás (1902-1989) (d. ref)
-to Guinizelli, Guido (1230-1276) (d. ref)
-to Guzmán, Martín Luis (1887-1976) (d. ref)
-to Hao-Jan, Meng (689-740) (d. ref)
-to Hawkins, Spike:
The Lost Fire Brigade (1968) (d. ref)
-to Hemingway, Ernest (1899-1961) (d. ref)
-to Henestrosa, Andrés (1906-2008) (d. ref)
-to Henri, Adrian:
Tonight at Noon (1968) (d. ref)
-to Heracleitus (534-475 BC) (d. ref)
-to Holan, Vladimir
A Night with Hamlet and Other Poems (1964) (d. ref)
-to Homer:
The Odyssey (8th c. BC) (ind. ref)
-to Hopper, Dennis:
Easy Rider (1969) (d. ref)
-to Horace:
Hoc Erat in Votis (35 BC) (d. quote)
-to Hsiang, Liu (77-6 BC) (d. ref)
-to Huerta, Efraín (1914-1982) (d. ref)
-to Hugo, Victor:
Misérables, Les (1862) (d. ref)
-to Huidobro, Vicente (1893-1948) (d. ref)
-to Ibarbourou, Juana de:
Las lenguas del diamante (1919) (d. ref)
La rosa de los vientos (1930) (d. ref)
-to Jacob, Max (1876-1944) (d. ref)
-to Jouffroy, Alain:
La parfait criminel (1971) (d. ref)
-to Keats, John (1795-1821) (d. ref)
-to Khlebnikov, Velimir (1885-1922) (d. ref)
-to Kipling, Rudyard:
Kim (1901) (d. ref)
-to Kubrick, Stanley:
The Shining (1980) (d. ref)
-to La Fontaine, Jean de:
The Fables of Jean de La Fontaine (1694) (ind. ref)
-to Lautréamont, Comte de:
Poems (1870) (d. ref)
Chants de Maldoror (1874) (d. ref)
-to Leduc, Renato:
Catorce poemas burocráticos y un corrido reaccionario (1963) (d. ref)
-to León, Fray Luis de (1527-1591) (d. ref)
-to Leopardi, Giacomo (1798-1837) (d. ref)
-to Licthenberg, Georg:
Aphorisms (?) (d. ref)
-to Lihn, Enrique (1929-1988) (d. ref)
-to Lima, José Lezama (1910-1976) (d. ref)
-to Lizardi, José Joaguín Fernández de:
The Mangy Parrot (1831) (d. ref)
-to Louys, Pierre:
Aphrodite (1895) (d. ref)
-to Lowry, Malcolm:
Under the Volcano (1947) (epigraph)
-to Mallarmé, Stéphane (1842-1898) (d. ref)
-to Mandelstam, Osip (1891-1938) (d. ref)
-to Manilius, Marcus:
Atronómica (1st c. AD) (d. ref)
-to Mann, Thomas:
The Magic Mountain (1924) (d. ref)
-to Mansour, Joyce (1928-1986) (d. ref)
-to Manzoni, Alessandro:
I Promessi Sposi (1827) (d. ref)
-to Marcabrú (12th c. AD) (d. ref)
-to Marinetti, Fillipo Tommaso (1876-1944) (d. ref)
-to Martí, Jose:
The Golden Age (1889) (d. ref)
-to Mayakovsky, Vladimir (1893-1930) (d. ref)
-to Melville, Herman:
Moby Dick (1851) (ind. ref)
-to Mendès, Catulle (1841-1909) (d. ref)
-to Messagier, Matthieu:
Nord d'été naître opaque (1972) (d. ref)
-to Mirandola, Pico della (1463-1494) (d. ref)
-to Mirón, Salvador Díaz (1853-1928) (d. ref)
-to Montale, Eugenio (1896-1981) (d. ref)
-to Monterroso, Augusto (1921-2003) (d. ref)
-to Moore, Marianne (1887-1972) (d. ref)
-to Naevius (270-201 BC) (d. ref)
-to Natorp, Paul:
Religion at the Limits of Humanity (?) (d. ref)
-to Neruda, Pablo (1904-1973) (d. ref)
-to Nerval, Gérard de (1808-1855) (d. ref)
-to Nervo, Amado (1870-1919) (d. ref)
-to Nietzsche, Friedrich:
Genealogy of Morals (1887) (d. ref)
-to Nogueras, Rogelio (1944-1985) (d. ref)
-to Novo, Salvador (1904-1974) (d. ref)
-to Nuño, Rubén Bonifaz (1923-2013) (d. ref)
-to Odio, Eunice (1919-1974) (d. ref)
-to Orwell, George:
Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949) (ind. ref)
-to Ory, Carlos Edmundo de (1923-2010) (d. ref)
-to Othón, Manuel José (1858-1906) (d. ref)
-to Ovid:
De Arte Amandi (1 BC) (d. quote)
-to Owen, Gilberto (1904-1952) (d. ref)
-to Pacheco, José Emilio (1939-2014) (d. ref)
-to Panero, Leopoldo María (1909-1962) (d. ref)
-to Parra, Nicanor (1914- ) (d. ref)
-to Pasolini, Pier Paolo (1922-1975) (d. ref)
-to Pasternak, Boris (1890-1960) (d. ref)
-to Patten, Brian:
Little Johnny's Confession (1967) (d. ref)
-to Pavese, Cesare (1908-1950) (d. ref)
-to Paz, Octavio (1914-1998) (d. ref)
-to Pellicer, Carlos (1897-1977) (d. ref)
-to Perse, Saint-John (1887-1975) (d. ref)
-to Pesado, José Joaquín (1801-1861) (d. ref)
-to Pi, Wang (226-249) (d. ref)
-to Pistoia, Cino da (1270-1336) (d. ref)
-to Plato:
The Republic (c. 300 BC) (ind. ref)
-to Po, Li (701-762) (d. ref)
-to Podolski, Sophie:
Le pays où tout est permis (1972) (d. ref)
-to Poniatowski, Elena (1932- ) (d. ref)
-to Pound, Ezra (1885-1972) (d. ref)
-to Proust, Marcel:
In Search of Lost Time (1927) (d. ref)
-to Pushkin, Alexander (1799-1837) (d. ref)
-to Quasimodo, Salvatore (1901-1968) (d. ref)
-to Queneau, Raymond:
Cent mille milliards de poèmes (1961) (d. ref)
-to Quevedo, Francisco (1580-1645) (d. ref)
-to Rebolledo, Efren:
Japanese Poems (1907) (d. ref)
The Vampire (?) (d. ref)
-to Retamar, Roberto (1930- ) (d. ref)
-to Revueltas, José:
Dios en la tierra (1941) (d. ref)
Los días terrenales (1949) (d. ref)
-to Reyes, Alfonso:
El plano oblicuo (1920) (d. ref)
Retratos reales e imaginarios (1920) (d. ref)
Simpatías y diferencias (1921) (d. ref)
Ifigenia cruel (1924) (d. ref)
-to Rigaut, Jacques (1898-1929) (d. ref)
-to Rimbaud, Arthur:
Le Coeur Volé (?) (d. ref)
-to Rokha, Pablo de (1894-1968) (d. ref)
-to Rudel, Jaufré (1113-1170) (d. ref)
-to Rulfo, Juan:
El Llano en llamas (1953) (d. ref)
-to Sabines, Jaime (1926-1999) (d. ref)
-to Sade. Marquis de:
Justine (1791) (d. ref)
La philosophie dans le boudoir (1795) (d. ref)
Juliette (1797) (d. ref)
-to Saint-Martin, Louis Claude de:
The Man of Aspiration (1790) (d. ref)
-to Sainz, Gustavo (1940-2015) (d. ref)
-to Sanguineti, Edoardo (1930-2010) (d. ref)
-to Sappho (c. 630-570 BC) (d. ref)
-to Sarrión, Martínez (1939- ) (d. ref)
-to Savitzkaya, Eugène:
Les lieux de la douleur (1972) (d. ref)
-to Serpas, Lilian (1905-1985) (d. ref)
-to Shakespeare, William:
Romeo and Juliet (c. 1597) (ind. ref)
The Tempest (c. 1611) (ind. ref)
-to Shelley, Percy (1792-1822) (d. ref)
-to Sophocles (496-405 BC) (d. ref)
-to Soupault, Philippe:
Dawn and the City (?) (d. ref)
-to Stein, Gertrude (1874-1946) (d. ref)
-to Stendal:
The Red and the Black (1830) (d. ref)
-to Stevenson, Robert Louis:
Treasure Island (1882) (d. ref)
-to Sturgeon, Theodore (1918-1985) (d. ref)
-to Tablada, José Juan:
Li-Po y otros poemas (1920) (d. ref)
-to Toklas, Alice (1877-1967) (ind. ref)
-to Tolstoy, Leo:
War and Peace (1867) (d. ref)
-to Torri, Julio:
Prosas dispersas (?) (d. ref)
-to Troyes, Chrétien de (1130-1191) (d. ref)
-to Tzara, Tristan:
The White Swamp (?) (d. ref)
-to Ungaretti, Giuseppe (1888-197) (d. ref)
-to Urtecho, José Coronel (1906-1994) (d. ref)
-to Valéry, Paul:
Le cimetière marin (1920) (d. ref)
-to Vallejo, César (1892-1938) (d. ref)
-to Vaqueiras, Raimbaut de (1180-1207) (d. ref)
-to Vargas Llosa, Mario (1936- ) (d. ref)
-to Various Writers:
Excelsior (1917- ) (d. ref)
The Los Angeles Times (1881- ) (d. ref)
El Nacional (?) (d. ref)
-to Varo, Remedios (1908-1963) (d. ref)
-to Vasconcelos, José (1882-1959) (d. ref)
-to Velarde, Ramon López (1888-1921) (d. ref)
-to Ventadorn, Bernart de (12th c. AD) (d. ref)
-to Verlaine, Paul (1844-1896) (d. ref)
-to Vigo, Jean:
L'Atalante (1934) (ind. ref)
-to Villon, François (1431-1463) (d. ref)
-to Virgil (70-19 BC) (d. ref)
-to Vitier, Cintio (1921-2009) (d. ref)
-to von Doderer, Heimito (1896-1966) (d. ref)
-to von Keyserling, Hermann (1855-1918) (d. ref)
-to Wei, Wang (699-759) (d. ref)
-to Weinninger, Otto (1880-1903) (d. ref)
-to Westphalen, E. A. (1911-2001) (d. ref)
-to Whitman, Walt (1819-1892) (d. ref)
-to Williams, William Carlos (1883-1963) (d. ref)
-to Wittgenstein, Ludwig:
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (1922) (d. ref)
-to Yáñez, Augustín (1904-1980) (d. ref)
-to Yu, Han (768-824) (d. ref)
-to Zürn, Unica (1916-1970) (d. ref)
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